Small Business Owners, CEO, Founders and Chief Entreprenuers Elevate Your Business Event
Small Business Owners, CEO, Founders and Chief Entreprenuers Elevate Your Business Event
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 (3:00 PM - 6:00 PM) (PDT)
If you are a small business owner, CEO, founder, and or Chief Entreprenuer, this event is for you. Looking to find a community of driven peers who wish to grow their business to the next level and themselves in the process. Imagine having 16 of your peers provide unique solutions to your business challenges. Tired of being the Chief Everything Officer. Find comraderie, client referrals, and a confidential space to share what is on your mind.
Be My Guest on October 1 at Piatti's in Mill Valley, Network, Happy Hour and Meet Joe and Heather, two of my peer group members as they share the value a peer group has had for their business and their personal and professional growth.
Come with a business challenge and watch the group provide unique and valuable solutions. And of course happy hour and light appetizers. You must pre register to attend. I look forward to seeing you there! Kimberly
625 Redwood Hwy.
Mill Valley, CA 94941 United States
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85 Throckmorton Avenue
Mill Valley, CA 94941
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noon - 4pm